AMSC Faculty
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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Abed, Eyad Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Control theory especially problems involving nonlinear dynamics (bifurcation, chaos), design of stability monitoring algorithms, and control of large networks such as power grids and computer and social networks.
Agrawala, Ashok K. Professor
Computer Science
Email: Webpage:
Research: Design and evaluation of systems and networks.
Akin, David L. Associate Professor
Aerospace Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Space systems, space robotics, space human factors, extravehicular activity/space suit design.
Albert, Victor V.Adjunct Assistant Professor
Physics; Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
Email: Webpage:
Research: Quantum science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, especially error correction, topological quantum computation, and continuous-variable systems.
Alexander, Millard Distinguished University Professor
Email: Webpage:
Antman, Stuart S.Distinguished University Professor Emeritus
Mathematics, Institute for Physical Science &Technology; Institute for Systems Research
Email: Webpage:
Research: Professor Antman studies a variety of dynamical problems for rods, shells, and three-dimensional solid bodies. The bodies are composed of nonlinearly elastic, viscoelastic, plastic, viscoplastic, or magnetoelastic materials. In each case, properly invariant, geometrically exact theories encompassing general nonlinear constitutive equations are used. In some cases, the solids interact with fluids or electromagnetic fields. The goals of these studies are to discover new nonlinear effects, determine thresholds in constitutive equations separating qualitatively different responses, treat control problems involving ""smart"" materials, examine important kinds of instabilities, contribute to the theory of shocks and dissipative mechanisms in solids, and develop new methods of nonlinear analysis and of effective computation for problems of solid mechanics.
Austin, Mark A. Associate Professor
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Systems engineering and integration- How do we build systems engineering tools that can take advantage of semantic web technologies? Systems engineering for sensor-based supply chains. Human-computer interfaces for system-level engineering design. Formal models for validation/verification of networked engineering systems. Computer-aided design of bridge and building structures. Earthquake engineering and structural dynamics.
Ayyub, Bilal Professor
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Dr. Ayyub’s main research interests are risk, uncertainty and decision analysis, and systems engineering applied to civil, infrastructure, energy, defense and maritime fields.
Azarm, Shapour Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: (i) Design Optimization: Single- and multi-objective optimization; optimization under uncertainty; multiple coupled subsystems (system of systems) optimization; approximation assisted optimization with computationally expensive simulations; (ii) Decision Support Systems: Multi-attribute decision analysis strategies for selection; capturing decision maker’s preferences under risky conditions; integration of business and engineering decisions; (iii) Design for Market Systems: Design of competitive single products, product lines, bundled (multi-category) products with upstream (part/subassembly/assembly) and/or downstream supply chain (manufacturers, retailers, service providers) considerations under uncertainty; (iv) Applications: Consumer electronics (e.g., smart phones, tablet computer); heat exchangers; power tools; power electronics; data centers; oil refineries; oil/gas pipelines; unmanned vehicles (walking robots, unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned underwater vehicles); network infrastructure, and numerous others.
Babadi, Behtash Associate Professor
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Email: Webpage:https://user.eng.umd.
Research: statistical and adaptive signal processing; neural signal processing; computational neuroscience; auditory neuroscience
Baeder, James Professor
Aerospace Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Balachandran, Balakumar Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: His research interests include nonlinear phenomena, dynamics and vibrations, and control, and his recent efforts have focused on the following: i) taking advantage of nonlinear phenomena for the benefit of a system, ii) data-driven nonlinear dynamics, iii) interplay between noise and nonlinearity, and iv) systems with delays.
Balan, Radu Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Applied harmonic analysis, signal processing, machine learning, modeling.
Ball, Michael Professor
Department of Decision, Operations, & Information Technologies
Email: Webpage:
Research: Dr. Ball's research interests are in network optimization and integer programming particularly as applied to problems in transportation systems and supply chain management.
Baras, John S. Professor
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Dr. Baras' research interests include scaleable multicast security; integrated management of hybrid communication networks; modeling and performance evaluation of large broadband hybrid networks; fast internet over heterogeneous (wireless-wireline) networks; manufacturing process selection for electromechanical products; intelligent control; wavelets; robust speaker identification; low complexity, high fidelity, low rate speech coding; image processing and understanding; learning clustering algorithms and classification; distributed control (or decision) systems; stochastic dynamic model building; stochastic control and scheduling; real-time sequential detection and estimation; computer-aided control systems design; queuing systems; quantum communications; nonlinear systems; and radar systems modeling and performance evaluation and distributed parameter systems.
Barg, Alexander Professor
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Combinatorics, Geometry, Coding Theory, Information Theory, Cryptography, Applied problems in Communications, Storage, and Data Protection
Benedetto, John J. Professor Emeritus
Email: Webpage:
Research: Harmonic analysis and applications
Bentley, William Distinguished University Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Recent interests are on deciphering and manipulating signal transduction pathways, including those of bacterial communication networks, for altering cell phenotype. To enable discovery, his lab develops new strategies for opening ‘communication’ between devices and biological systems by the creation and facile assembly of biologically functional interfaces. These concepts are emerging as a field of ‘biofabrication’ that exploits biological components and processes for assembly.
Bernard, Peter S. Professor Emeritus
Mechanical Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Professor Bernard's primary research interests lies in gridfree methods for turbulent flow simulation, including heat and mass transfer and natural convection. Lagrangian analysis of turbulent transport.
Bhatele, AbhinavAssociate Professor
Computer Science
Email: bhatele@cs.umd.eduWebpage:
Research: Dr. Bhatele's research interests are broadly in systems and networks, with a focus on parallel computing and big data analytics. He has published research in programming models and runtimes, network design and simulation, applications of machine learning to parallel systems, and on analyzing, modeling and optimizing the performance of parallel software and systems.
Bjarnadóttir, MargrétAssociate Professor
Decision, Operations & Information Technologies
Email: Webpage:
Research: Dr. Bjarnadóttir specializes in Operations Research methods focusing on data informed decision making, typically combining optimization modeling with machine learning approaches. Her work spans applications in health care, finance, people analytics and sports.
Blankenship, Gilmer L. Professor
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Robotics, nonlinear dynamics, stochastic systems, software systems for real-time control
Brill, Dieter Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Black Hole Physics, Cosmology, (2+1)-dimensional model theories
Bruck, Hugh A. Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Processing, thermomechanical characterization, and computational design of multifunctional and functionally graded materials, energetic materials, nanocomposite materials, smart structures, and thin films; experimental methods for microscale and nanoscale materials characterization.
Butts, Daniel Associate Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Systems and computational neuroscience; visual and auditory processing; application of statistical and machine learning approaches to interpret neurophysiological data with a focus on large-scale recordings.
Calabrese, Richard V. Professor
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Dr. Calabrese's research interests are in turbulent mixing and multiphase flow, with emphasis on drop dispersion and coalescence, prediction and measurement of particle size distribution and prediction and measurement of velocity fields in stirred vessels, high shear mixers and other process equipment.
Cameron, Maria Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Scientific computing, development of numerical and graph algorithms, methods for the study of rare events and transition paths in stochastic systems, and applications to natural sciences, in particular to chemical physics.
Carpuat, Marine Associate Professor
Computer Science
Email: Webpage:
Research: Natural Language Processing and Machine Translation. Current research targets computational modeling of language with the goal of enabling communication and access to information across language barriers.
Carton, James A. Professor
Atmosphere and Oceanic Science
Email: Webpage:
Research: Ocean dynamics and the role the ocean plays in climate variability. Current interests include tropical climate variability; exchange processes between the North Atlantic and Arctic (and their relationships to sea ice loss); the changing geochemistry of the oceans; and techniques for reconstructing historical variability of ocean climate.
Keywords: Meteorology, Oceanography, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Climate
Cerrai, Sandra Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: probability theory, stochastic partial differential equations
Chen, ShuoAssociate Professor
Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Email: Webpage:
Research: biostatistics, neuroimaging statistics, imaging-genetics, statistical graph/network modeling, clinical trials, Bayesian methods, machine learning
Childs, Andrew Professor
Computer Science
Email: Webpage:
Research: Theory of quantum information processing, especially quantum algorithms. Particular topics of interest include quantum walk, quantum simulation, quantum algorithms for algebraic problems, and quantum query complexity
Coughlin, Peter J. Associate Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Dr. Coughlin's research interests are in the areas of social choice, voting theory and applied game theory.
Cummings, Michael Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Molecular evolution, bioinformatics, computational biology, machine learning, genotype-phenotype relationships, GPU-computing, high performance computing.
Czaja, Wojciech Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Applied and theoretical harmonic analysis; signal and image processing; machine learning.
Dankowicz, Harry Professor and Chair
Mechanical Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Dynamical systems and control, computational mathematics, networks and complex systems, design optimization, robotics, and task scheduling; applications to renewable energy technologies, collective behavior of social insects and humans, constrained uncertainty quantification, microelectromechanical sensors.
Davis, Larry S. Professor Emeritus
Computer Science
Email: Webpage:
Research: computer vision, homeland security, visual surveillance.
De Rosa, Antonio Associate Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: My research is focused on the mathematical analysis of geometric PDEs arising from geometric variational problems. My work lies at the interface between geometric analysis, PDEs, geometric measure theory and calculus of variations. Part of my research is devoted to optimal transport. Recently I have become also interested in the interplay between geometric measure theory and mathematics of data science.
Daume, Hal Professor
Computer Science
Email: Webpage:
Research: Natural language processing and machine learning, with an emphasis on building algorithms and models that learn from limited data and natural feedback, as well as understanding and mitigating the potential social harms produced by such systems.
Deane, Anil Research Associate Professor
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Email: Webpage:
Research: Dr. Deane's research is in the area of computational fluid dynamics and parallel computing, with funded projects in space physics, microgravity fluid physics and high performance computing. Over time he has worked on large-scale simulations of thermal convection, wake flows, compressible turbulence, and magnetohydrodynamics. The numerical techniques used for these simulations include spectral methods, spectral-element methods, finite volume schemes for compressible flows, and shock-capturing methods (particularly flux-corrected transport).
Dickerson, John Associate Professor
Computer Science
Email: Webpage:
Research: Dr. Dickerson's lab works at the intersection of computer science, economics, and operations research. Their current research focuses on the principled design and practical implementation of matching markets (organized markets that match, e.g., organ donors to patients, potential roommates, or students to universities). The lab has extensive experience designing and fielding such markets in healthcare, TV and online advertising, and talent sourcing, and recently in formally addressing the division of labor between ethically-minded policymakers and ethically-neutral market designers.
Dorland, William D. Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Development of kinetic (phase space) algorithms for high performance computing, with an emphasis on Eulerian schemes and closure theory. Direct numerical simulation of collisionless, magnetized plasma turbulence for first-principles simulation of:
-Turbulent transport in magnetic confinement fusion devices
-Turbulent heating and particle acceleration in astrophysical plasmas
Development of lightweight, portable, high-performance components for practical high performance parallel computing.
Keywords: Turbulence in magnetized plasma; computational physics.
Dubayah, Ralph Distinguished University Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: ecosystem characterization for carbon modeling, habitat and biodiversity studies, land surface energy and water balance modeling, spatial analysis and remote sensing science
Duncan, James Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Experimental research in water surface waves including wave breaking, wave impact on structures, droplet and bubble generation, and solitary gravity capillary waves.
Duraiswami, Ramani Professor & Associate Chair for Graduate Education
Computer Science
Email: Webpage:
Research: Audio and Computational Acoustics: Acoustics for perceptual reality, microphone arrays, auditory user interfaces
Scientific Computation: Fast multipole methods, computational statistics and learning methods, randomization, data fitting and modeling, boundary element methods
Computer Vision: Vision aware audio, tracking, pose
Keywords: Computer audition, fast multipole methods, machine learning
Einstein, Theodore L. Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Physics of surfaces and complex interfaces, Properties of vicinal surfaces, Statistical mechanics of lower dimensions.
Elman, Howard C. Professor
Computer Science
Email: Webpage:
Research: My research concerns various topics in Numerical Analysis, including numerical linear algebra, computational methods for partial differential equations, computational fluid dynamics, uncertainty quantification, and machine learning.
Ephremides, Anthony Distinguished University Professor
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Research interests include all aspects of Communications Systems (Information Theory, Communication Theory, Multi-user Systems, Communication Networks, Satellite Systems) with focus on Energy Efficiency and Cross-Layer Approaches to Design. He is also interested in Systems Theory, Stochastic Systems, Optimization, Signal Processing, Wireless Communications.
Estes, AlexanderAssistant Professor
Department of Decisions, Operations, & Information Technologies
Email: Webpage:
Research: Research interests include stochastic optimization, data driven optimization, areas in the interface of statistics and optimization, and applications to air traffic management.
Evans, Michael Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: High resolution multiproxy paleoclimatology of the late Holocene, with special emphasis on tropical processes, hydrometeorological variations, and global climate change
Fagan, William F. Distinguished University Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: I use analytical and computational approaches to understand aspects of population dynamics and species interactions. I focus on problems in spatial ecology using systems of PDEs, integrodifference equations, stochastic processes, and network modeling. Much of my current research involves the mathematics and statistics of animal movement problems (e.g., migration, home ranges, memory-based movement), often involving tight integration of mathematical theory with animal tracking data. I also study aspects of extinction risk and parameter estimation from noisy time series using stochastic population models. Some of my models are 'pure theory' in nature whereas others are tightly tied to data from particular field systems (e.g., Mount St. Helens).
Forni, Giovanni Professor
Email: Research: Dynamical systems and smooth ergodic theory of zero entropy systems, Renormalization methods in dynamical systems, KAM theory, Teichmueller dynamics, Homogeneous Dynamics and Number Theory, Billiards in Polygons and related systems, Unipotent Flows (horocycle flows, nilflows) and their Time-Changes.
Freidlin, Mark I. Distinguished University Professor Emeritus
Email: Webpage:
Research: asymptotic problems in stochastic processes and PDE's
Fu, Michael C. Professor
Department of Decision, Operations, & Information Technologies
Email: Webpage:
Research: Simulation modeling and analysis, production/inventory control, applied probability, and queueing theory; stochastic derivative estimation, simulation optimization of discrete-event systems, Markov decision processes; with application to supply chain management and financial engineering.
Gabriel, Steven A. Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Optimization/Game Theory Courses:
ENME 741: Operations Research Models in Engineering (
ENME 725: Probabilistic Optimization (offered alternating spring semester, Spring 2025 next)
ENME 722: Equilibrium Programming in Engineering (
Research: Modeling of critical infrastructure using optimization, equilibrium/game theory, and statistical methods, machine learning. Algorithm development for solving optimization and equilibrium/game theory models
Gasarch, William Professor
Computer Science
Email: Webpage:
Research: combinatorics, graph theory
Girvan, Michelle Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: My research focuses the theory of complex networks as well as applications to biological systems. Much of the theoretical portion of my work involves studies of community structure (e.g. modularity) in complex networks – how it arises, different ways to quantify it, algorithms to detect it, etc. In terms of applying abstract concepts from network theory to experimental systems, I am broadly interested in high-throughput biological networks, and have recently been focused on gene interaction networks. In particular, my collaborators and I have been studying structural and dynamical features of cancer in experimentally-derived gene interaction networks. In an effort to connect empirical results back to theory, we are investigating the utility of Boolean models of genetic control for understanding the diverse patterns of gene expression observed in cancer cells.
Golden, Bruce L. Professor
Decision, Operations & Information Technologies
Email: Webpage:
Research: Some of my interests are network optimization, genetic algorithms, evolutionary computation, heuristic search, applied operations research, operations research/operations management in healthcare, logistics & distribution.
Goldman, William M. Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: I am interested in the deformation theory of geometric structures on manifolds. Such structures are modeled on geometris on homogeneous spaces of Lie groups. They include hyperbolic geometry, projective geometry, inversive geometry, constant curvature Lorentzian geometry and many others. The study closely relates to discrete subgroups of Lie groups, gauge theory, low-dimensional topology and mathematical physics. Of particular interest is the action of the topological symmetry group (the mapping class group) on the deformation space (generalizing Teichmueller space), which opens up many questions in dynamical systems.
The Experimental Geometry Lab provides a community of mathematicians working on examples of these structures using technology. In particular we are interested in visualization and computation for geometric structures, discrete group actions, and dynamical systems on moduli spaces. Participants in the lab have included senior researchers, postdocs, graduate students, undergraduate students and high school students.
Keywords: manifold, geometry, homogeneous space, Lie group, symmetry, geometric structure, mapping class group, uniformization, moduli space, dyanmical system.
Goldstein, Tom Volpi-Cupal Endowed Professor
Computer Science
Email: Webpage:
Research: My research lies at the intersection of machine learning and optimization, and targets applications in computer vision and signal processing. I work at the boundary between theory and practice, leveraging mathematical foundations, complex models, and efficient hardware to build practical, high-performance systems. I design optimization methods for a wide range of platforms ranging from powerful cluster/cloud computing environments to resource limited integrated circuits and FPGAs.
Greenberg, Oscar W. Professor Emeritus
Email: Webpage:
Research: I am interested in the relation of discrete symmetries, locality of various types and Lorentz invariance. I am presently studying the spacetime dependence of the relative spin-spin correlation function connected with tests of the Bell inequalities. More generally, I am interested in quantum information and related issues.
Grillakis, Manoussos Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Nonlinear waves and stability, Nonlinear partial differential equations, Harmonic Analysis
Gu, YuAssociate Professor
Email: Webpage: https://www.math.umd.
Research: Random dynamics, Non-equilibrium statistical physics, Stochastic PDE
Guo, XiaojiaAssistant Professor
Decision, Operations, and Information Technologies
Email: Webpage:
Research: Xiaojia’s research interests lie in predictive analytics and decision analysis. Specifically, her current research projects focus on probabilistic forecasting and combining predictions from experts or models, employing Bayesian statistics and machine learning techniques as primary methods.
Gumel, AbbaProfessor, Michael and Eugenia Brin Endowed E-Nnovate Chair
Email: Webpage:
Research: Mathematical Biology; Applied Dynamical Systems and Computational Mathematics. Dr. Gumel uses mathematical modeling approaches and analysis, backed by data analytics and computation, to gain insight into the transmission dynamics and control of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases of major public health significance. The main theme of his work is using mathematics to contribute to the One Health approach to public health (at the human-environment-animal nexus).
Hahn, Jin-Oh Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Mathematical Modeling, System Identification, Closed-Loop Control, Health Monitoring, Fault Diagnostics and Accommodation in Dynamic Systems with Emphasis on Challenges in Health and Medicine; Physiological Monitoring and Closed-Loop Control; Medical Cyber-Physical Systems
Hajiaghayi, Mohammad Taghi Minker Professor
Computer Science
Email: Webpage:
Research: Mohammad Taghi Hajiaghayi is a computer scientist known for his work in algorithms, game theory, social networks, network design, graph theory, and big data. See more info regarding him at
Harring, Jeffrey Professor
Measurement, Statistics, and Evaluation
Email: Webpage:
Research: Finite mixture modeling, Models for repeated measures data, Latent variable modeling, and Statistical computing
Hassam, Adil B. Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion, Solar-Terrestrial Plasma Physics, Industrial Plasmas.
Keywords: Theoretical Plasma Physics
He, Xin Associate Professor
Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Email: Webpage:
Research: longitudinal data analysis, time-to-event data analysis, nonparametric and semiparametric methods, as well as applications in epidemiology, environmental health, and biomedical studies
Herrmann, Jeffrey Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Developing risk-based methods for planning and optimizing unmanned systems operations.
Keywords: Operations Research, Decision Making, Risk Management
Horiuchi, Timothy K. Associate Professor
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Bat Echolocation, Computational Neuroscience, Learning Systems, Neuromorphic VLSI Design,Constrained Optimization Circuits, Mobile Robotics, Neural Recording and Spike-Sorting Techniques and Tools
Hu, Bei-Lok Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime, Stochastic Semiclassical Gravity, Early Universe Quantum Processes, Nonequilibrium Quantum Field Theory. Fluctuation Phenomena. Foundational Issues of Quantum Mechanics, Relevance to Quantum Computing. Theoretical Aspects of Quantum and Atom Optics.
Huang, Furong Assistant Professor
Computer Science
Email: Webpage:
Research: Furong Huang's research focuses on machine learning, high-dimensional statistics and distributed algorithms --- both the theoretical analysis and practical implementation of parallel spectral methods for latent variable graphical models. Some applications of her research include developing fast detection algorithms to discover hidden and overlapping user communities in social networks, learning convolutional sparse coding models for understanding semantic meanings of sentences and object recognition in images, healthcare analytics by learning a hierarchy on human diseases for guiding doctors to identify potential diseases afflicting patients, and more. She has made significant contributions in non-convex optimization for spectral methods (matrix and tensor decomposition) and learning latent variable graphical models on distributed systems with large-scale data. She has also worked on distributed spectral decomposition techniques for topic modeling and mixed membership detection for large-scale networks with extension to temporally evolving networks. Her work is characterized by the development and application of sophisticated novel numerical methods to diverse problems in social networks, natural language processing, image processing, and computational biology --- and the delivery of research results through open-source software. She was a keynote speaker at the Tensor Workshop at ICCV'17, and organized the Matrix Factorization Workshop at the 2017 Heidelberg Laureate Forum. She serves on the Program Committee of the SysML'18 conference, bridging the Machine Learning and Computer Systems research communities. Prof. Huang was a recipient of the Adobe Research Award 2017.
Hunt, Brian R. Professor Emeritus
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Email: Webpage:
Research: Weather Forecasting and State Estimation for Spatiotemporal Chaos. Prevalence, Projection, and Dimension. Fractals and Dimension in Dynamical Systems. Optimal Orbits and Invariant Measures of Chaotic Systems. Dynamics on Networks. Dynamics near Invariant Manifolds: Intermingled Basins, Bubbling, and Synchronization. Bifurcations and Periodic Windows. Other Dynamical Systems Papers. Computational Genomics.
Keywords: Chaotic Systems, Applied Dynamics
Ide, Kayo Associate Professor
Atmospheric & Oceanic Science
Email: Webpage:
Research: Dr. Ide's research interests concern dynamics of atmosphere and oceans from interdisciplinary perspective, in particular: data assimilation as scientific monitoring and prediction, observing system design, and study of transport and mixing from perspectives of dynamical and control systems.
Jacobs, David Professor
Computer Science
Email: Webpage:
Research: object recognition in images, computational and psychological study of perceptual organization
Jose, AntonyAssociate Professor
Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics
Email: Webpage: https://science.umd.
Research: I am interested in understanding how regulation is made heritable. Living systems display this property with a bewildering array of different types of regulation. Abstracting such regulation into networks and determining the features that ensure their heritability is an ongoing theoretical and practical challenge. Experimental work in my lab uses the nematode C. elegans to implement networks to examine their behavior across generations, providing unique opportunities to test mathematical ideas in an animal.
Kalnay, Eugenia E. Distinguished University Professor
Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
Email: Webpage:
Research: Predictability and ensemble forecasting, numerical weather prediction, data assimilation, coupled ocean-atmosphere modeling, climate change, and coupling with feedbacks the human and the natural systems.
Katz, Jonathan Professor
Computer Science
Email: Webpage:
Research: I work on problems in theoretical computer science, mainly in the area of cryptography. I am interested in problems both of a combinatorial and an algebraic/number-theoretic nature. If you are interested in research in this area, please consult the list of publications on my web page or send me an email.
Kedem, Benjamin Professor Emeritus
Email: Webpage:
Research: I have done work in time series analysis, space-time statistical problems, and combination of information from several sources.
Kishek, Rami Alfred Research Professor
Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics
Email: Webpage:
Research: Kishek's research is in applied electromagnetics (beams, plasmas, microwaves) and the nonlinear dynamics of many-body systems, with specific interest in space charge effects, computation, and multipactor. Broad applications include high-intensity particle accelerators and space-based communication systems. Nearly 25 years experience as a researcher and educator.
Krishnaprasad, Perinkulam Professor
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Krishnaprasad's interests lie in the broad areas of geometric control theory, filtering and signal processing theory, robotics, acoustics, and biologically-inspired approaches to control, sensing and computation. He has made contributions to system identification, geometric mechanics, actuation based on smart materials, and control of collectives. His current work is focused on pursuit and cohesion in nature and in engineered systems. Key words: geometric methods, collective behavior, Lie groups, stability and control, pursuit phenomena, bio-inspiration, statistical physics, evolutionary games.
La, Richard J. Associate Professor
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Richard J. La's research interest are i) mathematical analysis of communication networks, ii) design and evaluation of resource allocation algorithms for communication networks, and iii) application of game theory and mechanism design. In particular, his past research activities focused on congestion control in the Internet, wireless scheduling, mobile ad-hoc network routing, disruption tolerant networks, network pricing, and dynamic spectrum trading.
Lahiri , Parthasarathi Professor
Joint Program in Survey Methodology
Email: Webpage:
Larsson, Johan Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Computational turbulence, grid-adaptation for chaotic PDEs, and uncertainty quantification applied to problems in fluid mechanics
Lathrop, Dan Professor
Email: Webpage: http:/
Research: Research in the Nonlinear Dynamics group at Maryland focuses on turbulent fluid flows, geomagnetism, and experiments on superfluid helium.
Lee, Mei-Ling Ting Professor
Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Email: Webpage:
Research: Analysis of genomic data; analysis of time-to-event data; rank tests for clustered data; statistical applications in environmental and occupational health studies, epidemiology studies, microbiology and pharmaco epidemiology; applied probability models; multivariate distributions
Lee, Sung W. Professor
Aerospace Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Structural mechanics, finite element analysis, and composite structure
Lekić, Ved Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: I seek to understand the state, dynamics, and dominant processes of the solid Earth, as well as other planets and satellites. Accurate seismic imaging -- with reliably quantified uncertainties -- is often a crucial first step toward this goal. Therefore, my research focuses on analysis of large datasets (primarily of seismic wave recordings) and the application of inverse methods that enable optimal extraction of information and quantification of uncertainty. You can find out more about my research and that of my students and postdocs here:
Levermore, Charles D.Professor Emeritus
Email: Webpage:
Research: Much (but not all) of my research has revolved around the central theme of understanding how large-scale behaviors emerge from dynamics or structures on small-scales. This includes the classical question of statistical physics about the macroscpic desciption of systems of large numbers of particles given known microscopic physics. It also includes studies of semiclassical limits of nonlinear wave equations, convergence of numerical schemes, turbulence modeling, derivations of shallow water systems, derivations of fluid dynamical systems from kinetic theories, radiation transport through random media, and many other areas. These problems all fall into the what is now called the class of "multiscale" problems.
Keywords: Multiscale problems, Boltzmann Equations, Nonlinear Wave Equations
Levy, DoronDistinguished Scholar-Teacher
Email: Webpage:
Research: Mathematical Biology and Medicine, Cancer Dynamics, Immunology, Disease Modeling, Imaging, Nonlinear Dynamics.
Li, YanProfessor
Joint Program in Survey Methodology
Email: Webpage:
Research: Dr. Yan Li is a Professor in the Joint Program in Survey Methodology (JPSM) and in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of Maryland, College Park. A primary research goal of Dr. Li is to combine her background in computer sciences, genetics, statistics and survey methodology with her research experience in Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics to develop statistical methods for efficiently designing and analyzing complex samples in social and biomedical settings. Particularly she is interested in the area of nonprobability sample analysis, health disparity, mediation analysis, statistical genetics, involving drawing statistical inferences using case-control, cohort and cross-sectional studies and surveys with complex survey designs.
Lin, MingDistinguished University Professor
Department of Computer Science
Email: Webpage:
Research: Her research interests include AI/ML/robotics, XR, computer graphics, and HCI, with focuses on learning-based algorithms, physically-based modeling, sound rendering, haptics, algorithmic robotics, VR, interactive techniques, geometric and scientific computing, and distributed interactive simulation.
Liu, K.J. Ray Professor
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Dr. Liu is Director of Communications and Signal Processing Laboratories and leads the Maryland Signals and Information Group (SIG) with research contributions that encompass broad aspects of wireless communications and networking; multimedia communications and signal processing; information forensics and security; biomedical imaging and bioinformatics; and signal processing algorithms and architectures, in which he has published over 400 refereed papers, books, and book chapters.
Losert, Wolfgang Professor & Associate Dean
Email: Webpage:
Research: The dynamical properties of Complex Systems at the convergence of physics, materials science, and biology.
Lovell, David Professor
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Surface and air transportation, systems engineering. Geometric design, optimization, and controls applied to civil infrastructure systems.
Lyubchich, Vyacheslav Associate Research Professor
Center for Environmental Science
Email: Webpage:
Research: Time series analysis, forecasting, applied statistics, non-parametric inference, bootstrap, environmental modeling, and random networks, machine learning, artificial intelligence.
Lyzinski, Vince Associate Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Random graph inference, statistical machine learning, graph matching algorithms, Markov chains, probability, combinatorics
Machedon, MateiProfessor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Analysis and Partial Differential Equations
Madan, Dilip B. Professor Emeritus
Email: Webpage:
Research: I am particularly fascinated by how mathematical analysis, economic theory, and statistical methodology may be employed to extract interesting information from financial market data. My particular area of expertise is Mathematical Finance with its wide array of theoretical, applied and innovative concerns that range from issues of formulating and testing our understanding of market price determination to the more detailed aspects of pricing particular claims, like the wide range of equity and fixed income derivatives now traded, and improving the quality of risk management through the development innovative financial products and better methods for processing financial information.
Keywords: Mathematical Finance
Makowski, Armand M. Professor
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Traffic characterization and modeling in communication networks, Resource allocation issues in wireless networks, Queueing systems and asymptotic methods for performance evaluation in communication networks, Stochastic systems and adpative algorithms
Manocha, DineshPaul Chrisman Iribe Professor; Distinguished University Professor
Computer Science; Electrical & Computer Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: I work in robotics, AI, virtual environments and their applications to scientific and engineering domains.
Marcus, Steven I.Professor Emeritus
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Dr. Marcus' research interests lie in the areas of control and systems engineering, analysis and control of stochastic systems, Markov decision processes, stochastic and adaptive control, learning, fault detection, and discrete event systems, with applications in manufacturing and communication networks.
Margetis, Dionisios Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Prof. Margetis' research interests lie broadly in the mathematical modeling and applied analysis for materials and physical phenomena across several scales.Recently, he has placed particular emphasis on the following topics: (i) The coupling of Maxwell's equations (electromagnetism) with kinetic descriptions (e.g., hydrodynamic equations and Boltzmann-like equations) for electrons in two-dimensional materials such as graphene. A goal is to mathematically model and analyze the viscous hydrodynamic behavior of electrons in these systems; as well as possible transitions from this regime to the ohmic and ballistic regimes. (ii) The modeling, analysis and simulation of the evolution of surfaces and interfaces in solid structures. Of particular interest are the derivation and analysis of macroscopic PDEs from atomistic or discrete mechanical systems (e.g., moving atomic defects), and germane issues of boundary conditions or variational approaches. (iii) The quantum dynamics of ultra cold, dilute atomic gases under the influence of external potentials, in relation to the "Bose-Einstein condensation" phenomenon. A goal is to understand mathematical aspects of the excitation energy spectrum in these atomic systems by use of nonlocal PDEs.
Mayergoyz, Isaak Distinguished University Professor, A. Ward Chair Professor and Distinguished Scholar-Teacher
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Power, Electromagnetic theory, Semiconductor device modeling
Miller, Carl A.Adjunct Associate Professor
Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
Email: Webpage:
Research: Quantum information science, with a focus on quantum cryptography and communication. Applications of concepts from pure mathematics to theoretical computer science.
Miyoshi, Takemasa Assistant Professor
Atmospheric & Oceanic Science
Email: Webpage:
Research: fundamental problems about data assimilation theories and methods, with particular focus on ensemble-based data assimilation
Molloy, ErinAssistant Professor
Computer Science
Email: Webpage:
Research: Algorithms for comparative genomics
Montesi, Laurent G.J. Associate Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Our research group studies how the Earth and other planets are deforming and evolving over geological time scales. This research involves the development of Finite Element models of mantle flow, fault development and melt migration, with a fundamentally multidisciplinary approach. For example, we couple rheological evolution and deformation to produce localized shear zone, or couple thermodynamic and thermal models. Numerical challenge include multiphysics and multiscale processes, large deformation, adaptive mesh refinement, and the adoption of a Bayesian statistics framework for assimilation of many types of observations into our models.
Mount, David M. Professor
Computer Science
Email: Webpage:
Research: I am a member of the Algorithms and Theory Group at the University of Maryland. I do research on the design, analysis, and implementation of data structures and algorithms for geometric problems, particularly problems with applications in areas such as image processing, pattern recognition, information retrieval, and computer graphics.
Narayan, Prakash Professor
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Multiuser information and coding theory, Communication theory and Digital communication, Communication networks, Data security and private function computation, Information theory and statistics.
Neustadtl , Alan Associate Professor
Email: Webpage:
Newcomb, Robert W. Professor
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Analog VLSI, biomedical engineering especially ear type systems and heart models), circuit and systems theory (especially semistate theory and multiport synthesis), microsystems, neural networks (hardware & biologically motivated), robotics
Nochetto, Ricardo H. Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: PDE and Nonlinear Analysis: geometric partial differential equations, free boundary problems, fractional diffusion; Numerical Analysis: variational methods for linear and nonlinear partial differential equations, adaptivity, nonlinear approximation
Oard, Douglas William Professor
College of Information Studies
Email: Webpage:
Research: My research interests include cross-language information retrieval, speech-based information retrieval, and information filtering.
Oruc, Yavuz A. Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Combinatorics, computer architecture, graph theory, interconnection network theory, parallel computing, quantum information processing
Ott, Edward Distinguished University Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Dynamics of large networks of coupled systems, Wave chaos, State estimation of large spatiotemporally chaotic systems
Paley, Derek Willis H. Young Jr. Professor of Aerospace Engineering Education
Aerospace Engineering and the Institute for Systems Research
Email: Webpage:
Research: Dynamics, estimation, and control; mobile sensor networks; biocomplexity and bioinspiration
Pecht, Michael Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Professor Michael Pecht’s research focuses on the use of AI methods for prognostics and systems health management (PHM). PHM is an approach that is used to evaluate the health / reliability of a system in its actual life-cycle conditions, determine the initiation of failure, and mitigate system risks. Prognostics of a system can yield an advance warning of impending failure in a system and thereby help in maintenance and corrective actions. The outputs of a prognostic assessment of a product are the failure risk, time to failure, remaining useful life, and a prognostic distance within which time specific maintenance and repair actions can be taken to extend the life of the product. The U.S. Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Program requires PHM. NASA uses the Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) program for its fleet. Consumer electronics companies, including computer companies such as Dell, are investing a lot of money in prognostics research so that they can harness the benefits of PHM for reducing warranty costs and cutting product qualification time. Google, Microsoft, Amazon and others are using these techniques to ensure reliable and safe operation of there products. The data-driven and fusion approaches stand among the three main approaches to implementing prognostics for a system (along with model-based). The data-driven prognostics methods use current and historical data to statistically and probabilistically derive decisions, estimates, and predictions about the health and reliability of products. Data-driven approaches are useful to monitor the health of large multivariate systems and are capable of intelligently detecting and assessing correlated trends in the system dynamics to estimate the current and future health of the system. Areas of interest for data-driven approaches include anomaly detection, fault identification, fault isolation and prediction of remaining useful life (prognostics). Machine learning is highly used in the data-driven approach since it incorporates statistical and probability theory in addition to data preprocessing, dimensionality reduction by compression and transformations, feature extraction, and cleaning (de-noising) of data. Fusion methods for prognostics offer the benefits of model-based and data-driven methods.
Penny, Stephen G. Assistant Research Professor
Atmospheric & Oceanic Science
Email: Webpage:
Research: Data Assimilation of the Ocean and Coupled Earth System, Mathematical foundations of data assimilation
Prucha, Ingmar R. Distinguished University Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Dr. Prucha's research interests are in theoretical and Applied Econometrics. A focus of his current research is on the econometric analysis of spatial and social networks. His applied work focuses on the determinants of dynamic factor demand (including investment in physical and R&D capital) and productivity.
Raghavan, Subramanian Professor
Decision, Operations & Information Technologies
Email: Webpage:
Research: Dr. Raghavan's research primarily focuses on three areas---network design (e.g., telecommunications, logistics), data mining, and auctions. The unifying feature to these various research areas is the network and combinatorial optimization techniques he applies to these problems.
Keywords: Network Design, Combinatorial Auctions, Data Mining
Ray, DeepAssistant Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Dr. Ray’s research focuses on two aspects of computational mathematics. The first involves the design of mathematically-sound high-fidelity numerical solvers for partial differential equations (PDEs), with a special emphasis hyperbolic systems and fluid flow problems. The second involves the judicious integration of machine learning techniques with traditional numerical algorithms, with the objective of overcoming computational bottlenecks. He develops deep learning-based algorithms for problem areas such as computational fluid dynamics, PDE-constrained optimization, uncertainty quantification and reduced order modeling.
Reggia, James A. Professor Emeritus
Computer Science
Email: Webpage:
Research: Our research group focuses on studying and understanding
1) the underlying principles of biological computation, and how these principles can be adopted or modified to extend contemporary computer science methods, and
2) automated causal reasoning, such as abductive inference and Bayesian/belief networks.
Reynolds, Chris Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: astrophysics of black holes (both stellar and supermassive), the physics of relativistic jets, and the properties and evolution of intracluster and intergalactic plasma
Riaz, Amir Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: DNS of multiphase flows. Bubble Dynamics. Perturbation methods. Stability and Transition. Porous Media flows. Boiling and Evaporative Heat Transfer.
Robinson, MichaelAssociate Professor
Mathematics & Statistics
Email: Webpage:
Research: I am interested in signal processing, dynamics, and applications of topology. My current projects involve topological approaches to tracking, communication network analysis, sonar target recognition, software analysis, and data fusion.
Rosenberg, Jonathan M. Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Topology and geometry, especially of manifolds and singular spaces, non-commutative topology, index theory, C*-algebras, Lie group representations, K-theory, applications to mathematical physics, especially string theory and other field theories.
Ryzhov, Ilya Associate Professor
Decision, Operations & Information Technologies
Email: Webpage:
Sanner, Robert Associate Professor
Aerospace Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Research interest include nonlinear control, spacecraft dynamics and control, aircraft dynamics and control.
Shamma, Shihab Professor
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Dr. Shamma's research interests include biological aspects of speech analysis and neural signal processing.
Shroff, HariAdjunct Assistant Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Development of new imaging tools to study fast 3D cellular processes at high resolution; super-resolution microscopy; neurodevelopment; light sheet fluorescence microscopy; two photon microscopy; minimally invasive microscopy; inverse imaging problems; deep learning
Slud, Eric V. Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Survival data analysis, Census statistics, large-scale data problems with emphasis on cross-classified data, Stochastic processes.
Keywords: Mathematical statistics and probability
Smith, Paul J.Professor Emeritus
Email: Webpage:
Research: Categorical data analysis. Robust and nonparametric statistical methods. Applications of statistics, particularly in the biomedical sciences
Song, Jiuzhou Associate Professor
Animal & Avian Sciences
Email: Webpage:
Research: Dr. Song's current research interests are on bioinformatics, statistical genomics, biopathway analysis and gene regulatory network. Specifically, he works in novel computational methodologies for molecular biology and genetics, e.g., temporal gene expression analysis and biological information extraction from high throughput gene expression data.
Keywords: Statistical genomics and bioinformatics
Srinivasan, AravindDistinguished University Professor
Computer Science
Email: Webpage:
Research: Prof. Srinivasan's research interests are in randomized algorithms, networking, social networks, and combinatorial optimization, as well as in the growing confluence of algorithms, networks, and randomness, in fields including the social web, machine learning, public health, biology, and energy.
Swistak, Piotr T. Associate Professor
Government and Politics
Email: Webpage:
Research: Game theory, social choice theory, decision theory, methodology and philosophy of the social science.
Tadmor, Eitan Distinguished University Professor
Department of Mathematics and IPST
Email: Webpage:
Research: Research is concerned with theory and computation of Partial Differential Equations with diverse applications to shock waves, convection-diffusion, image processing, and self-organized dynamics. In particular, research is focused on the development of high-resolution methods for nonlinear conservation laws, including those associated with the notions of central schemes, entropy stability, and spectral viscosity methods; on transport models and their relation to kinetic theories, and on critical thresholds phenomena in such models; on multi-scale descriptions in image processing associated with the notion of hierarchical decompositions; and on modeling and analysis of collective (hydro-)dynamics with applications of swarming to optimization and neural networks.
Tits, Andre L. Professor
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Dr. Tits' main research interests lie in various aspects of numerical optimization, optimization-based system design and robust control with emphasis on numerical methods. In addition to carrying out fundamental research work in these areas, researchers in Dr. Tits' group have developed several software packages. Especially popular is FSQP, a tandem of sophisticated software suites for nonlinear constrainted optimization, in use at over 1000 sites around the world.
Tiwary, Pratyush Assistant Professor
Chemistry and Biochemistry & Institute for Physical Science and Technology
Email: Webpage:
Research: We are interested in modeling rare events in biology and materials science while maintaining femtosecond time resolution and all-atom or even all-electron spatial resolution. These include problems such as drug unbinding, protein folding and crystallization which can easily takes minutes, days or longer in real time. To simulate such processes, we develop the next generation of computational chemistry tools, grounded in statistical mechanics and artificial intelligence, and made available to the broad scientific community in an open-source manner.
Trivisa, Konstantina Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Trivisa’s research lies on the interface between nonlinear partial differential equations and continuum physics and focuses on applications in fluid dynamics, multiphase flows, continuum mechanics, materials science and math biology. Her research is an interplay of mathematical modeling, analysis and simulations for the investigation of nonlinear systems governing physical models.
Valliant, Richard Research Professor
Joint Program in Survey Methodology
Email: Webpage:
Research: Survey sample design, calibration estimation, price index estimation, statistical software development, statistical education
Vishkin, Uzi Professor
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Parallelism in computing: Parallel algorithmics; Synergy of algoithms, progamming and architecture for an easy-to-program general purpose parallel computer platform; Machine learning as well as other potential "killer applications" for parallel computing. Design and analysis of algorithms. Pattern matching. Theory of computing.
Von Petersdorff, Tobias Associate Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Elliptic and parabolic boundary value problems; numerical methods. Nonsmooth domains like polygons and polyhedra:
Singular behavior of the solution near edges and vertices, Efficient numerical approximation using Finite Element Methods, Boundary Element Methods and nonuniform meshes. Multigrid and Wavelet techniques for Boundary Element Methods
Wallace, StephenProfessor Emeritus
Email: Webpage:
Research: Dr. Wallace is a member of the Theory Group for Quarks, Hadrons, and Nuclei. The group conducts research in quantum chromodynamics, lattice QCD, hadron and nuclear physics.
Washington, Lawrence C. Distinguished Scholar-Teacher
Email: Webpage:
Research: Number theory, cyclotomic fields, elliptic curves, cryptology
Wedel, Michel Distinguished University Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: The application of Bayesian statistical and econometric methods to further the understanding of consumer behavior and to improve marketing decision making
Weitz, Joshua Professor of Biology and Clark Leadership Chair in Data Analytics
Email: Webpage:
Research: Prof. Weitz leads a multidisciplinary research team whose central goal is to understand how viruses transform human and environmental health.
Wenegrat, Jacob Assistant Professor
Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
Email: Webpage:
Research: Ocean and atmosphere geophysical fluid dynamics, turbulence, high-resolution numerical modeling.
Wu, XiaodiAssistant Professor
Computer Science
Email: Webpage: https://www.cs.umd.
Research: End-to-end quantum applications by investigating both the theoretical study of quantum information and computation and the software tool-chain and system of quantum computers.
Yang, Haizhao Associate Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Professor Yang is an applied analyst and a computational scientist in machine learning and scientific computing. His previous research focused on applied and computational harmonic analysis and fast randomized algorithms for large-scale data science with applications in data processing and imaging, e.g., clinical data processing, learning, and imaging; machine learning-based functional materials design. His recent research covers a broad range of topics bridging machine learning and scientific computing to create intelligent computing. Current projects include new developments in physics-informed neural networks, learning algorithms and regularization techniques for deep networks, the theoretical foundation of deep learning, with applications in designing efficient solvers for nonlinear or high-dimensional PDEs, inverse problems, and data science.
Yorke, James A. Distinguished University Research Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: chaos theory and genome research and the population dynamics of the HIV/AIDS epidemic
Zachariah, Michael R. Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Email: Webpage:
Research: Microcombustion, Energetic Materials and Reacting Flows (Combustion and Thermal CVD Processes). Fundamentals of Gas-Phase Chemical Kinetics: Measurement and Theory. Ab-Initio Computational Chemistry and Classical Molecular Dynamics. Numerical Simulation of Reacting Flows with Complex Chemistry Molecular-Beam and Single Particle Mass-Spectrometry.
Keywords: NanoParticle Science, Manufacturing and Measurements.
Zhang, Da-Lin Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Prof. Zhang works on the modeling and understanding of fundamental processes taking place in squall lines, mesoscale convective complexes, hurricanes and heavy rain- (or snow-) storms, tropical and extratropical cyclones, gravity waves, frontal circulations and topographically generated weather phenomina. His research involves simulating a variety of different severe convective systems and cyclones; examining the meso-beta-scale structures and evolution as well as the mechanism(s) whereby they develop; testing theories, hypotheses and various model physical representations; and finally interpreting, to the extent possible, the observed behaviors of these weather systems. His research interests also include the development and improvement of the planetary boundary layer and cumulus parameterization techniques, cloud representations in mesoscale numerical models, and the improvement of warm-season quantitative precipitation forecasts and severe weather warnings.
Keywords: Mesoscale Convective Systems, Tropical and Extratropical Cyclones, Mesoscale Modelling, Regional Climate, Air Pollution Meteorology
Zhang, KaiqingAssistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Email: Webpage: http://kzhang66.
Research: Prof. Zhang’s research interests lie in the intersection of Control Theory, Machine Learning, and Game Theory, especially with applications in multi-agent and safety-critical systems, e.g., robotics, smart grid, and transportation systems. He resorts to mathematical tools from the areas of Optimization, Statistics, Operations Research, and Control Theory to develop provably convergent and efficient algorithms in (Multi-agent) Reinforcement Learning and Robotics. Broadly speaking, the primary goal of his research is to lay theoretical foundations for the learning algorithms and systems that address (data-driven) sequential-decision-making problems in Game Theory and Control Theory, particularly in the presence of multiple and strategic decision-makers, toward large-scale and reliable autonomy.
Zhang, KunpengAssociate Professor
Decision, Operations & Information Technologies
Email: Webpage:
Research: Machine learning; Network analysis; Computational social science; Big data
Zhu, Wenlu Professor
Email: Webpage:
Research: Experimental rock deformation; Dynamic microtomography; Digital rock physics; Transport properities of partially molten rocks; Serpentinization and Carbonization of ultramafic rocks; fluid induced seismicity; Mechanics of slow slip events
Zimin, Aleksey Research Associate Professor
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Email: Webpage: